Cardiology Medical Billing Services From The Experts

We Specialize in Providing Comprehensive Cardiology Billing Services for Your Healthcare Practices.

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Different Types of Cardiology Billing Services

To properly manage the coding and billing of your cardiology practice and do wonders to your revenue flow.

The Following Are the Types of Cardiology Billing Services: 

Cardiology EHR Billing Services

It enables healthcare providers to send bills to patients’ insurance companies easily. They also allow providers to more accurately account for tests and procedures. 

Cardiology EMR Billing Services

It allows physicians to use electronic medical records (EMRs). It generates reports to submit these documents electronically instead of doing it manually.  

What Process is Followed in Cardiology Medical Billing? 

Following are the steps Eminence RCM follow to improve your cash flow: 

Collection of Data

As soon as the project is allocated, we appoint a team of coding specialists who gather clinical data from your end in EHR. 

Checking Eligibility & Preauthorization Check

Insurers are verified to check patient preauthorization. We also carry out patient eligibility checks to ensure compliance with the insurer’s guidelines. 

Medical Coding Process 

After the coding process is completed, we put together the output into the recommended format accepted by insurers. 

Proper Quality Check on Data  

Before the data is moved forward to the healthcare insurers through a secure channel, we verify with scrutiny if the data is accurate and in accordance with regulatory compliance.  

Denial Management

If claims return due to denial, denial management service is there to rectify errors. The files are once again checked thoroughly for quality before resubmission. 

Let's Redefine Your Cardiology Practice Together! 

At Eminence RCM, we are well-versed with the challenges of Cardiology Billing Services in USA.  Connect with us to streamline your revenue cycle, enhance compliance, and elevate your practice to new heights. 

What Do Eminence RCM’s Cardiology Medical Billing Services Cover?

  • Cardiology Medical Coding 
  • Medical Document Capture 
  • Pre-authorization 
  • Proper Claims Scrubbing 
  • Denial Management 
  • Account Receivable (AR) Follow-up 
  • Insurance Eligibility Verification 

Why Choose Eminence RCM for Streamlined Cardiology Billing Services? 

With complex diagnostic protocols & constantly evolving technologies, Cardiology Billing is best handled by experts. Ever-changing codes add up to complexity which demands complete attention. Cardiology practices lose large amounts of money during the billing process due to errors because of frequent changes in procedures such as - angioplasty, stent replacement, ECG recording, etc. 

The professionals at Eminence RCM: medical billing provider, are well-versed with the updated codes and recent advancements in Cardiology Billing. All the experts are technically sound and are highly capable of fixing all the issues arising in the cardiology billing process.  

Our Experts are well-versed in: 

  • Cardiology-related terms 
  • Operative & office notes 
  • Complex cardiology billing rules & regulations 
  • Coding for surgical procedures 
  • Code variations related to various procedure rules 

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